Introduction to the Iranian Venture Capital Association (IVCA)

The Iranian Venture Capital Association (IVCA) was established in January 2013 as an independent, non-governmental, professional organization. Formed by key players in the investment and financing ecosystem of Iran's technology and innovation sectors, the association has grown to become a prominent voice in fostering venture capital activities. Today, IVCA boasts over 150 active members, including research and technology funds, corporate venture capital funds, exchange-listed venture capital funds, venture capital firms, innovation financing companies, credit enhancement companies, and innovation facilitation and acceleration companies. As a significant contributor to Iran's entrepreneurial ecosystem, IVCA is dedicated to expanding its network of members and collaborators.

Mission and Core Activities of IVCA

Enhancing Collaboration

Facilitating interactions between members and governmental organizations that support Iran's technology and innovation ecosystem.

Publication of Analytical Reports

Producing annual and periodic statistical and analytical reports on the state of venture capital in Iran.

Advocacy for Members' Interests

Addressing industry challenges and fostering growth opportunities for members.

Experience Sharing

Sharing successful financing practices within the technology and innovation ecosystem.

Promotion and Education

Advancing the knowledge and understanding of financing within Iran's technology and innovation ecosystem.


Establishing best practices and standardized procedures for financing activities within the technology and innovation ecosystem.

Board of Directors

Seyed Mohammad Hossein Sajjadi Niri

Seyed Mohammad Hossein Sajjadi Niri

Chairman of the Board

Abbas Ali Karshenas

Abbas Ali Karshenas

Secretary and Board Member

Arash Farahvashi

Arash Farahvashi

Vice Chairman of the Board

Seyed Mehdi Sadat Rasoul

Seyed Mehdi Sadat Rasoul

Board Member

Siavash Samimi

Siavash Samimi

Treasurer and Board Member

Mohammad Mahdi Abbaskhani

Mohammad Mahdi Abbaskhani

Board Member

Reza Bagheri

Reza Bagheri

Board Member

Farzin Fardis

Farzin Fardis

Alternate Board Member

Mohammad Reza Hosseini Baghdadiabadi

Mohammad Reza Hosseini Baghdadiabadi

Alternate Auditor

Mahdi Farazmand

Mahdi Farazmand

Principal Auditor

Key Statistics

68127659Value of Venture Capital Contracts Signed in 2024
407Number of Venture Capital Contracts Signed in 2024
624212765Value of Financial Services Provided in 2024
1798342361Total Registered Capital of Members
150Number of Members

Contact Us


Tehran, Vanak Square, Molla Sadra Street, Pardis Street, Zayandeh Rood East, No. 24, Innovation and Prosperity Fund, 3rd Floor.


+98 21 86088553
+98 21 86088576

WhatsApp, Telegram

+98 903 444 9385

